Friday 5 July 2019

Garcinia Cambogia - An Effective Weight Loss Supplement

We all know that putting weight is a lot easier than losing it.  At some point of time, you may experience a little weight gain, which not only ruins your physical appearance but also brings with it plethora of health issues as well. In such scenarios, you may want to shed the extra fat at the earliest and may look at dieting as one of the most effective options to lose weight. However, the fad diets may leave you starved and your body may not be getting the required nutrients, which, in turn, may put negative impact on your health. This is where dietary weight loss supplements come into the picture. Today, we are bringing you some interesting facts about Garcinia Cambogia, a great herbal and effective weight loss supplement. Read on!

What is Garcinia Cambogia?

Garcinia Cambogia - An Effective Weight Loss Supplement
Garcinia Cambogia Fruit
Garcinia Cambogia a.k.a Malabar tamarind is a tropical fruit that is mainly cultivated in Southern coastal regions of India and other Asian countries such as Indonesia and Myanmar. This fleshy fruit contains elongated lobules and looks like a cross between a pumpkin and a tomato. The color of the fruit varies depending on the ripeness levels and may vary from greenish yellow to pale pink. Traditionally, this fruit is used as a flavoring agent to add tartness in curries and vegetables. At present, it is majorly cultivated because of its medicinal use.

Nowadays, Garcinia Cambogia extract has gained tremendous popularity as a fat burner. The peel of this fruit contains a high concentration of Hydrocitric Acid (HCA), which inhibits the action of citrate lyse enzyme and aids in weight loss. In addition, the HCA extract offers other health benefits and is primarily marketed as a natural health supplement by many pharmaceutical companies. Nutrafirst is one such brand that takes pride in serving its customers with the quality, safe and authentic Garcinia Cambogia pills.

How it works-
  1. HCA inhibits the action of citrate lyase enzyme, which your body uses to translate carbohydrates or sugars into fat. This leads to less fat accumulation in your body and helps prevent unwanted weight gain.
  2.         It elevates the levels of a brain chemical ‘Serotonin’, which improves your mood and help you avoid binge eating under emotional situations. Besides, the high-fiber content of this dietary supplement leaves you with a feeling of being full and enables you to ward off unwanted hunger pangs. 
Garcinia’s Efficacy in Weight Loss-

It is important for you to understand that any health supplement works best only when it is combined with healthy eating habits and regulated exercise regimes.  Same is true for Garcinia. Researches revealed that GC extract does not have much effect on the people who consume a low-fat, high-carb diet. On the other hand, another study published in the Journal of Clinical Diagnostic Research suggests that Garcinia extracted resulted in weight loss in people who consume a high-fat, low-carb diet.

Other Health Benefits-

Besides weight loss, GC extract benefits your body in numerous other ways. Let’s have a glance at some of its most impressive health benefits-

Boosts Athletic Endurance-

Many fitness experts swear by GC extracts ability to boost athletic endurance. Besides, clinical trials revealed that people who regularly consume HCA supplement are less likely to feel tire during workout sessions, which further aids in weight loss.

Improves Cardiovascular Health-

GC or HCA extract is highly beneficial when it comes to improving heart health. It optimizes the blood lipid profile. It also keeps the blood cholesterol levels in check and prevents the risk of heart attack by reducing the levels of bad cholesterol and raising good cholesterol levels simultaneously. Being anti-inflammatory in nature, GC extract reduces inflammation in arteries and prevents cardiovascular disorders as well.
Additionally, this miraculous supplement aids in digestion, boosts metabolism, helps curbs appetite and boosts energy levels.

How to Use-

Garcinia Cambogia supplements can be taken in parts throughout the day. To reap its best benefits, take two capsules daily with luke warm water. You can take one capsule 30 minutes before breakfast and the second capsule at night, at least 30 mins before dinner.

The Bottom Line-

Nutrafirst Garcinia Cambogia is a 100 % natural weight loss supplement for all those people who want to shed a few extra pounds rapidly. In addition, it improves your overall health by boosting your immunity and metabolism. Although, Garcinia is considered safe for consumption for most healthy people, yet, it may show some side effects such as dizziness, skin rashes, headache, sore throat and low blood sugar. Therefore, we recommend you to take medical advice before starting any health supplements. Thanks for reading!

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